Reduce agent waiting times by 70% and average call times by 10%

Smart Team Communicator is a tool built to empower your Agents to deliver top customer experiences.

Screenshot of a chat interface for MetroTek Wireless showing a poll and survey request. Participants include Megan Miller and Tina Jones. Options for a training session time and link to training feedback survey are displayed. Contacts and user queue information are visible on the left.

An all-in-one Communication Suite

for Contact-Centers

Whether your team works from home, in a brick-and-mortar setup, or in a hybrid environment, Smart Team Communicator (STC) is designed to meet all your needs. Suitable for big BPOs and startups alike.

See how Smart Team Communicator can transform your workforce operations and communications.

Watch your entire team’s screen at once as if you were in the same room

Whether you are a trainer watching over an agent’s progress or a manager reinforcing adherence to standards, with STC Glance you can view everyone’s screens at once with no impact to computer performance.

Connect Agents to Experts Quickly with Queues

Agents that need help shouldn’t have to message a Chat Room or figure out who is available to to provide support.

Our Clients have seen:

Three arrows with text indicating efficiency improvements, showing reductions in time to proficiency (50%), average handle time (10%), and agent time to get help (70%).

Chat Rooms Reimagined

Chat Rooms shouldn’t require manual configuration or be distractingly noisy.

STC Chat Rooms are productivity hubs with Bulletin Boards for P2P and group messaging, Polls, Badges, and Video Calling.

Illustration of a person interacting with a digital chat interface, featuring two speech bubbles and a browser window design.
Illustration of person analyzing diagrams with blocks and a pie chart.

Your BPO separates Agents by Client.
Shouldn’t your Communication Tool do the same?

STC is built around the idea that Users belong to a Client and there should be partitions between Clients. Resources in one Client are completely separated from resources in another.

Security & Access

Number Masking

Automatically hide numbers that are shared in chat after a certain time has elapsed.

Data Leak Prevention

View reports of which users are sharing sensitive information over chat and email.

Client Partitioning

Control access to resources and restrict communication between users of different companies.

Automated Integrations for Increased Productivity

Automated integrations reduce the time SMEs spend asking questions so they can focus on providing help.

Chat Restrictions for Multi Client Centers

blue hierarchical flowchart showing groups

Your BPO separates users by client. Shouldn’t your chat app do the same?

STC gives you the control to decide who can talk to whom, and whether users in one company can talk to users in another company. STC offers interoperability with multiple support options/privacy features for contact centers.

Lightning fast customer support & development 

Illustration of two people exchanging information, one holding a tablet, the other using a laptop, with data icons and arrows indicating flow between documents.

Accelerated customer support provided with small teams dedicated to your contact center and a full development team ready for bug fixes and feature requests. 

Unlike other platforms, we will work with you to understand your needs and add features to help you. You will have a dedicated point of contact on the development team ready to work on feature requests.

Fair pricing designed for Contact Centers

Illustration of a person holding a large green credit card beside a checklist with checkmarks.

Years of working with BPOs has shown us user-based pricing that other services offer doesn’t fit the bill. With STC, you only pay for the time users are in the system and are using it.

We’re one of the only platforms that offer on-demand dynamic pricing.

Boost your Contact Center’s productivity, today!

Cartoon character with green skin holding a phone, with three floating icons showing a face and call options.

Get in touch and we’ll set up a demo to show you how Smart Team Communicator’s features can improve the operations and communications of your contact center.